Core Values


Avoiding either inaccuracy or deception and of being reciprocally open about intentions.


Being true to one’s word, or promptly honourable in warning of exceptions imposed by unforeseen circumstances.


Being actively present to hear the needs, wants and aims of others in the team and of anticipating accurately the sensitivities likely to be excited by one’s articulation of potentially painful or frightening possibilities/realities.


Ensuring that a message has been understood before concluding that a communication cycle is satisfactorily complete.


Making faithfully practical protection, or proper authorized recognition, of the ownership of valuable information.


Searching for and either eliminating or explaining, the paradoxes underlying one’s own behaviour, thoughts and aims and (2) gently helping others to do the same.


Having the capacity to respond. This capacity grows from the practice of doing one’s best to assure quality in the completion of an assigned job or project and of alerting one’s sponsor or sponsors in factual and insightful terms to the impending need for a change in either completion time, quality or cost expectations.


Accepting responsibility for a job, project, person or organization after carefully ascertaining that one is not doing so out of bravado or desire for acclamation, or, of articulating one’s reasons for declining to accept.

Emotional Balance

Finding one’s path back from a shock, alarm or other unpleasant surprise. It is achieved by asking focused questions of our selves and others that help in regaining composure.


Finding the situation in which one is now the best qualified (by virtue of insight, experience or circumstance) either to take useful action or to describe a problem. Clarifying a problem as an actionable issue by research, reframing it, or proposing a solution that moves a job, bid, project team or company forward is as much initiative as is physical on-site action.


Using the practice of balancing to continue working toward a goal until aware that further work would be either a poor investment for the team or the company or an abuse of one’s own self-respect. One recognizes such a waste or abuse by discovering accurately the dividing line between persistence and perseverance.


Avoiding bigoted exclusion and of making one’s choices and decisions reflect universal principles of emotional and financial justice.


The discipline of caring enough about the communication of facts, findings, and recommendations to avoid causing misdirection.


The practice of balancing the perspectives of the people for whose performance and growth one is accountable with perspectives outside of the mainstream.


Being of or exhibiting a high standard, and, the degree or extent of excellence to which the organization performs. Quality requires continuous and dynamic improvement of services in order to fulfill or exceed the requirements or expectations of all parties within the organization. Quality control at Chant equates to a refined process in which systems are assessed, improved, ensured, and confirmed


The ability to gain a relatively rapid, clear and deep understanding of the real, often hidden and usually complex nature of a situation or problem